The Russell Sage Foundation has a number of funding opportunities for the year which might be of interest to members of the Association of Population Centers. Further if anyone is interested in updates from RSF, sign up for the newsletter here. RSF is hosting a webinar with details and a Q&A about our programs and best practices for applying for a research award from RSF on April 3rd at 2 PM ET. Sign up for that here.
Visiting Scholars Fellowship for Academic Year 2024-2025
Application Deadline: June 27, 2023 (11:59 PM EST)
The Visiting Scholars Program provides a unique opportunity for select scholars in the social, economic, political and behavioral sciences to pursue their research and writing while in residence at the foundation in New York City. The fellowship period is September 1st through June 30th.
The foundation annually awards up to 17 residential fellowships. Visiting Scholars must be at least two years beyond the Ph.D. at the time of application and once selected, typically work on projects related to the foundation’s core programs and special initiatives. Scholars are provided with an office at the foundation, computers and software, library access, and supplemental salary support. Scholars from outside NYC are provided with a partially-subsidized apartment near RSF.
See Questions should be directed to James Wilson, Program Director, at
Visiting Researcher and Visiting Journalist Fellowships: September 2023 – June 2024 (up to a 5-month visit)
Application Deadline: May 2, 2023
On an occasional basis, the Russell Sage Foundation (RSF) has available office space for short-term Visiting Researchers conducting research relevant to RSF’s core programs and special initiatives. These positions do not come with any financial support and are available for visits up to five months, between September 1 and June 30, as space permits. Visiting Researchers are provided with an office at the foundation, computers and software, and library access. Applicants from outside the greater NYC area may be provided with a partially-subsidized apartment near RSF, if available. Visiting Researchers must be several years beyond the PhD and have a project that is relevant to the Foundation’s program areas.
Also, because journalists report on issues of relevance to RSF, the Foundation has established a Visiting Journalist Fellowship. The fellowship provides journalists the time and resources needed to carry out an original project while also offering an opportunity to interact with resident visiting scholars who might help inform the development of these projects. RSF will pay visiting journalists a stipend of $8,000 per month for full-time visits of up to four months (maximum stipend of $32,000 per individual fellowship). Fellows are provided with an office at the Foundation, computers and software, and library access. Applicants who reside outside of the greater New York City area may be provided with a partially-subsidized apartment near RSF, if available. Eligible applicants should be journalists with a minimum of 5-7 years of experience who write or report on social, economic, or political conditions in the United States.
More information about both programs and applying can be found here: Questions should be sent to
RSF Programs and Initiatives Currently Accepting Letters of Inquiry (Deadline: May 3, 2023 at 2 PM ET): Behavioral Science and Decision Making in Context, Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration, Immigration and Immigrant Integration, Future of Work, & Social, Political and Economic Inequality
The Russell Sage Foundation was established by Mrs. Margaret Olivia Sage in 1907 for “the improvement of social and living conditions in the United States.” The foundation now focuses exclusively on supporting social science research in its core programs as a means of examining social issues and improving policies. Grants are available for research assistance, data acquisition, data analysis, and investigator time for conducting research and writing up results.
A detailed letter of inquiry must precede a full proposal. About 15% of investigators who submit LOIs are invited based on external reviews to submit proposals.
See for more details. Questions should be sent to
RSF Pipeline Grants Competition (Deadline: November 1, 2023)
RSF has launched a new pipeline grants competition for early-career researchers in collaboration with the Economic Mobility and Opportunity program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The next deadline for applications is November 1, 2023.
The competition seeks to promote diversity in the social sciences broadly, including racial, ethnic, gender, disciplinary, institutional, and geographic diversity. Early-career faculty who have not previously received support from RSF in the form of a Trustee or Presidential research grant or a visiting fellowship from RSF are eligible to apply.
You can find more information on the Pipeline Competition here. Questions should be directed to Program Officer Stephen Glauser, at
Summer Institute in Migration Research Methods (SIMRM), June 7 – 15, 2023, University of California, Berkeley
Application Deadline: March 1st, 2023
The Summer Institute in Migration Research Methods helps to train early career researchers in best-practices and in methodologies particularly relevant to the study of immigration and migrant populations. The 2022 program will focus on: (1) conceptualizing, measuring and imputing legal status in migration studies; (2) studying immigration through social media and computational analysis; and (3) current frontiers in research on migration and health. The institute will also include sessions on research ethics and professionalization.
Participation is restricted to Ph.D. students, postdoctoral researchers, and untenured faculty within 5 years of receiving their Ph.D. who do empirical research on migration. It is open to researchers in the social sciences, professional schools (e.g., Education, Public Policy), or digital humanities who have sufficient training and background to succeed.
Inquiries may be directed to the Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Institute at