Thank you to all who participated in AI Day for Federal Statistics. Materials from the event are now available online.
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: Approaches for Assessing and Communicating the Quality of National Statistics: A Workshop
CNSTAT is seeking nominations for experts to participate in a new workshop focused on national and international approaches to characterizing and communicating the quality of national statistics and statistical data. We are seeking: Statisticians and survey methodologists, including international experts in National Statistical Offices; Policymakers, social scientists, and others who use national statistics; Statistical communication and data visualization experts. Learn more about this project here.
To receive full consideration, please submit nominations by June 12, 2024.
New Releases
Creating an Integrated System of Data and Statistics on Household Income, Consumption, and Wealth: Time to Build
The report provides recommendations for developing an improved 21st century data system for measuring the extent to which economic prosperity is shared by households throughout the population and for understanding how the distribution of resources is affected by government policy and economic events. Download here.
Toward a 21st Century National Data Infrastructure: Managing Privacy and Confidentiality Risks with Blended Data
You can use it to Protecting privacy and ensuring confidentiality in data is a critical component of modernizing our national data infrastructure. The use of blended data – combining previously collected data sources – presents new considerations for responsible data stewardship. This report provides a framework for managing disclosure risks that accounts for the unique attributes of blended data and poses a series of questions to guide considered decision-making. Download Here
New Interactive Resources
Measuring Law Enforcement Suicide: Challenges and Opportunities
Strengthening the Nation’s Data Infrastructure
An Updated Measure of Poverty: (Re)Drawing the Line
People in the News
CNSTAT congratulates:
Michael Davern on Receiving an Award from Notre Dame University
Michael Davern, executive vice president and chief research officer, NORC at the University of Chicago, received the University of Notre Dame 2024 Distinguished Graduate Alumni Award (he has a Ph.D. in sociology from Notre Dame). The award is given each year to a graduate who has contributed significantly to scholarship, research, or society. Davern was cited for his role as the principal investigator for the General Social Survey (GSS), “one of the longest-running and most widely used sources of longitudinal social science data in the nation.” He served on the CNSTAT panel that produced Realizing the Potential of the American Community Survey: Challenges, Tradeoffs, and Opportunities (2015).
CNSTAT congratulates:
Kristen Olson on Receiving the University of Nebraska Outstanding Research and Creative Activity (ORCA) Award
Kristen Olson, Leland J. and Dorothy H. Olson professor in the Department of Sociology and director of the Bureau of Sociological Research at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, received the 2024 ORCA award for her nationally and internationally known research in survey methodology, “a field with broad real-world impacts in academia, government, marketing, public policy, public health, program evaluation, and nonprofit and for-profit enterprises around the world. Her work seeks to understand and improve survey data quality through the reduction of coverage, sampling, nonresponse, measurement and adjustment errors … Her work shapes data collection at the highest levels and has put UNL on the map in the field.” She has served on several CNSTAT study panels, including those that produced Evaluation of Compensation Data Collected Through the EEO-1 Form (2022); Measuring Alternative Work Arrangements for Research and Policy (2020); and Reengineering the Census Bureau’s Annual Economic Surveys (2018).
CNSTAT congratulates:
Susan Fleck on Receiving the 2024 Roger Herriot Award for Innovation in Federal Statistics
Susan Fleck, assistant commissioner for international prices, Bureau of Labor Statistics, is the winner of the 2024 Roger Herriot Award. The award was established by the Washington Statistical Society and the Government Statistics and Social Statistics Sections of the American Statistical Association in 1995 to recognize individuals or teams who, like Roger, develop unique and innovative approaches to the solution of statistical problems in federal data collection programs. The award citation speaks of her “pioneering research, novel statistical approaches and groundbreaking solutions in modernizing federal price index programs, … improving the use and analysis of large-scale data for federal policymaking, promoting federal data sharing agreements, streamlining one of the … federal economic indicators with cost savings; and establishing government-wide best practices for the utilization, protection, dissemination, and generation of administrative and survey data.”