Government Affairs News

Statement regarding 2020 Census Post Enumeration Survey

Population scientists, including demographers, economists, and sociologists, rely on data collected and disseminated by the U.S. Census Bureau to inform their scientific and applied research and research training activities on a wide range of topics, including...

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White House Releases Equitable Data Working Group Report

On April 22, the Equitable Data Working Group (EDWG) released a report on advancing the use of equitable data in the federal government. Established in response to President Biden’s Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities...

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President Biden Unveils Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request

On March 28, President Biden released his proposed Fiscal Year 2023 budget request. The President is required by law to submit the budget request to Congress by the first Monday in February. However, this year’s submission was delayed while Congress and the...

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APC & PAA Support Funding AHRQ in FY 2023

The 135 undersigned members of the Friends of AHRQ respectfully request no less than $500 million in funding for the Agency for Healthcare and Research and Quality (AHRQ). The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) supports research to improve health care...

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2022 PAA/APC Virtual Advocacy Day

Population Scientists “Log On” to Talk Data, Funding, and Research On February 28, a delegation of officers and invited members of the Population Association of America and Association of Population Centers representing a dozen states met with 32 offices in the U.S....

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NSF Reauthorization Moves Closer to Fruition

On Friday, February 4, the U.S. House of Representatives approved H.R. 4521, the America COMPETES Act of 2022, a sprawling bill that creates or reauthorizes scientific research programs and infrastructure at several federal agencies, including the National Science...

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Government and Public Affairs Committee (GPAC)

APC and the Population Association of America work together to educate policymakers about population research outcomes and the federal agencies that support population, or demographic, research. These objectives are achieved through the work of the APC/PAA Government and Public Affairs Committee (GPAC).

The latest information on
population research policy and advocacy. 

Director of Government and Public Affairs
Mary Jo Hoeksema