NIH OBSSR Connector Monthly Newsletter: September 2023

Features Director’s Voice Blog Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Spotlights News and Events Recently Published Funding Opportunities BSSR Accomplishments BSSR Clinical Trials Resources Social and Behavioral Good Clinical Practice eCourse September 20, 2023...

NIH OBSSR Connector Monthly Newsletter: July 2023

Director’s Voice Blog Advancing Social Determinants of Health Research at NIH Through Cross-Cutting Collaboration. This month’s blog focuses on the efforts of the NIH Social Determinants of Health Research Coordinating Committee. Our co-chairs, Dr. Shannon Zenk,...

NIH OBSSR Connector Monthly Newsletter: June 2023

Director’s Voice Blog The Importance of Social Science Research to Improving Health. In recognition of the important contributions of social science research, this month’s blog is authored by Dr. Rosalind King.  OBSSR’s mission includes advancing both the...

NIH OBSSR Connector Monthly May 2023

Director’s Voice Blog Celebrating a Career in the Behavioral and Social Sciences at NIH. When I took on the role of Acting Director of OBSSR, I was daunted by multiple responsibilities that came with the role, but particularly the task of writing a monthly blog....

OBSSR Connector Monthly Newsletter – March 2023

Director’s Voice Blog Behavioral and Social Sciences and Advancing the Health and Well-being of LGBTQI+ People. This blog is co-authored with Christina Dragon, MSPH, CHES, NIH’s Sexual & Gender Minority Research Office. OBSSR’s mission includes enhancing the...

OBSSR Connector Monthly – January 2023

Director’s Voice Blog The Future of Work: Evidence-based considerations for hybrid and remote work. For NIH and many other organizations within the research community, flexible workplaces continue to be the new normal as we head into 2023. According to a 2022...