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Attendees will learn all about the contents of the CE Public Use Microdata files, and how to use them in their own work. “Hands-on” training sessions start with the basics, and build to advanced topics. As part of the process, researchers who are currently using the microdata in projects describe their experiences with them. That is, while their presentations may include statistical methods or findings, they focus on how the researcher used (or is using) the data, problems encountered and solutions found, benefits and limitations of using the data for their particular research, and so forth.
Because the CE are the only Federal household surveys to provide information on the complete range of consumers’ expenditures and incomes, with information about demographics, assets, and liabilities also available, the presentations cover a wide variety of topics. In addition, presenters range from those who are just beginning to use the CE microdata to expert users. Similarly, they range in professional experience from new researchers, including students, to veterans in their respective fields. Presenting allows them the opportunity to receive feedback on their work from CE staff experts before they finalize their dissertation, job market paper, article for publication, or major office project.
As always, there is no charge to attend or present at the workshop. That is, registration is free. The registration form is available through July 9, 2025. (Click “Reserve a spot” to start the process.)
To learn more about the CE Microdata Users’ Workshop, please see the workshop webpage. Note that the call for presenters is open until May 1, 2025. Also, the agenda from the 2023 workshop, research presentations, and the training presentations are available in the Workshop Archives webpage to give you an idea of what to expect at the 2025 event, including opportunities for you to meet with an expert for one-on-one assistance with your project.
We hope you will be able to join us at the 2025 CE Microdata Users’ Workshop. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the workshop, please do not hesitate to contact the planning committee at (Note the underscores between “CE” and “Workshop” when typing this address directly.)
Questions? E-mail us.